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Excerpts from "UFO…Contact from the Pleiades, Volumes I & II, 45th Anniversary Edition"

by Brit Elders

UFOs. They finally made mainstream news, but with a different name—UAP, which stands for Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. Whatever one chooses to call them, they have been around forever. They’ve been depicted in petroglyphs, paintings, tapestries, and photographs.

In most cases they are exactly what the name implies: unidentified. There are, however, a few UFO cases that provided more than a photo or two.

This is the story of a one-armed man in Switzerland who not only took hundreds of photographs, but also provided investigators with 8mm movie footage of the unknown craft, metal samples that were said to be a sample of part of the airship, sounds created by the object, long before we had personal computers, smart phones and technology that could manipulate images. He also claimed to have met with beings that emerged from the UFO, making this one of the rare Identified Flying Object cases, as they told him they came from the star system of the Pleiades.

Perhaps more relevant today than when the contacts initially began in 1975, this man’s experience has provided more physical evidence than any other documented case. Making it even more unique are the messages that were shared by the Pleiadian visitors who state they came to remind us we are not the only thinking beings in the universe.

Excerpts from UFO…Contact from the Pleiades, Volumes I & II, 45th Anniversary Edition

Tuesday, January 28, 1975

14:12 hours
The Swiss countryside of Hinwel

As Mr. Meier looked across the empty road toward the meadow and forest beyond, noting to himself how remote they seemed... suddenly it began...
Meier heard a very unusual sound. A low, throbbing, humming sound that defied description. Then he saw it—a strange, silver disc-shaped craft circling slowly above. He couldn’t believe his eyes!

He recovered just in time to take several quick photographs, almost forgetting the camera was there, before the strange craft swooped down and softly landed in the clear- ing one hundred meters away. About seven meters in diameter, it just sat there quietly.

With adrenaline pumping, Mr. Meier ran excitedly toward it, but without warning, he was arrested by an unknown force within fifty meters of the craft. It was like trying to advance in a hurricane wind, a strong barrier, invisible in nature. Then, from behind the craft, the cosmonaut came, walking directly toward him. Meier strained his eyes in disbelief!

His first contact with the Pleiadians had begun.


It’s been over four decades since we first heard of the Pleiadian contact case. So much has changed in the world since then. UFOs are now called UAPs, which is the acronym for unidentified aerial phenomena. In some parts of the world, such as Mexico, sightings are almost an everyday occurrence. More groups dedicated to research and investigation have organized, and the populace is not so hesitant to share their stories.

Technology has expanded rapidly, and today we can sit down at a laptop and create and manipulate an image that would be close to the photographs we first saw back in 1977. Scientists are more receptive to the possibility of other worlds visiting ours, although there is still a hesitance from some to openly state their opinions for fear of ridicule. Several governments have openly and actively begun releasing old information on the subject and have formed committees to publicly gather new information.


When Volume I was originally released, we were surprised by its international impact. By invitation, on May 6, 1980, the book and its subject was officially presented in a special five-hour session before the prestigious members of the House of Lords in London, England, thus achieving a credible dimension of acceptance. This outstanding event was soon followed by formal inquiries from other foreign bodies for a qualitative exchange of this and other major UFO information and data. The inquiries alone were staggering in consequence, for when was the last time any book, especially a photo-journal about UFOs, was responsible for bringing together opposing polarities for the sake of a meaningful exchange of knowledge?

During our investigation, we journeyed to Switzerland on eighteen different occasions and spent over three hundred days living at the Meier farmhouse interviewing witnesses from all walks of life, collecting hard evidence, and observing the contactee Billy Meier, his family, and friends. We discovered early their warmth and sincerity and came to appreciate the openness of their unbridled feelings when it came to discussing the experience. To them, everything else was incidental and relatively unimportant, including the ever-present question pertaining to the reality of the many experiences for they had already established their own level of truth. We took full advantage of their offer of free reign into their private world and we had to concede that there was no evidence uncovered that indicated deception.


There were, however, many courageous individuals who stepped forward and put their name and their reputation on the line. Jim Dilettoso, Marcel Vogel, Nils Rognerude, Steve Ambrose, Rob Shellman, John McVey, David Froning, and Alan Holt are but a few who openly applied their scientific knowledge and expertise to this investigation.

In the ensuing years after our initial visit to the Swiss farmhouse of Eduard “Billy” Meier, the Pleiadian contact case created rabid controversy. Are Meier’s claims real, or are they false? Were the photographs, sounds, and metal samples manufactured? Were the witnesses coerced? Or did the experiences unfold as the contactee said?


We felt the evidence needed to be scrutinized by all sides, but fairly and based on fact, not assumption or straight-up falsehoods. Differences of opinion should be welcomed as a form of expanding one’s knowledge and understanding. A hearty discussion that illuminates diverse views only broadens one’s perspective. But an investigation cannot be led by opinion. It has to be directed by evidence, no matter what course that may take.


We brought in Wally Gentleman, a British-born Canadian cinematographer and founder of the Montreal-based SPEAC, or Special Photographic Effects and Allied Crafts. An Academy Award winner, he built the model spaceships for Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey in 1968. Gentleman studied the pictures and movie footage and determined that a one-armed man, with limited finances, no assistants, and no background in the expertise that was required could not have produced the images.

In a recent conversation, photogrammetric analyst Jim Dilettoso described his efforts this way: “We scouted the best research equipment of that era and then recruited the best experts of that era to examine the evidence and report their findings.” Jim’s initial work, found in this book, also brought in many other experts in the field such as Robert Post of JPL’s photo laboratory. Post stated, “From a photography standpoint, you couldn’t see anything that was fake about the Meier photos. That’s what struck me. They looked like legitimate photographs. I thought, ‘God, if this is real, this is going to be really something.’”

Dr. Michael Malin, principal investigator for the Mars Orbiter Camera on NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft at Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS) in San Diego, California, also analyzed Meier’s photographs. He stated, “I find the photographs themselves credible, they’re good photographs. They appear to represent a real phenomenon. The story that some farmer in Switzerland is on a first name basis with dozens of aliens who come to visit him—I find that incredible. But I find the photographs more credible. They’re reasonable evidence of something. What that something is I don’t know.”


Rob Shellman, a sound engineer with a secure facility in Groton, Connecticut, was intrigued by the complexity of the audio recordings made of the beamships… He determined, “If the device that generates the sound was an electric motor or machine the line frequencies would be evident. No such frequencies were detected.”


Marcel Vogel was a research chemist for IBM, held thirty-two patents, and had invented the magnetic disk coating memory system used in IBM disk memories. He was also a specialist in the conversion of energy inside crystals. Utilizing the most current optical microscopic equipment available at that time, he analyzed the metal samples that Meier claimed were from various stages of the creation of the skin of the ship. Through the lens of a scanning electron microscope, he determined, “Each pure element was bonded to each of the others, yet somehow retained its own identity.” At a magnification of five hundred times, he discovered thulium was contained in the metal fragment and stated, “Thulium exists only in minute amounts. It is exceedingly expensive, far beyond platinum, and rare to come by. Someone would have to have an extensive metallurgical knowledge even to be aware of a composition of this type.”

Vogel’s final analysis stated, “With any technology that I know of, we could not achieve this on this planet! And I think it is important that those of us who are in the scientific world sit down and do some serious study on these things instead of putting it off as people’s imagination.”

That’s not to say that the scientists did not have their reservations about the case. After examining and finding no manipulation or fakery, many could not accept that actual face-to-face contacts had taken place. The scientists we spoke to couldn’t explain or disprove the evidence, but they couldn’t accept the story behind it.


The witnesses were intriguing to us because they had a mixture of stories that sometimes overlapped. Although no one but Meier was present during the contacts, some had seen the craft, some had heard the beamship, some had seen landing tracks, some had seen unusual lights that moved erratically through the skies, and some had been present when Meier “disappeared” or “reappeared’ before them.


One thing that didn’t change in the early contact notes was the beauty of the message. Billy often said that when he was with the Pleiadians, he didn’t want to return. The peace and love he felt was all consuming, and he always tried to hold onto that energy when he came back from a contact. According to Meier and the contact notes, the underlying reason for the contacts was to supply documentation that we, “Earth-humans,” as we were referred to in the notes, needed “to realize we were not the only thinking beings in the universe.” That is one of the primary reasons these volumes are being republished now.

As Semjase said, “...All men hold the truth within themselves and must only know this to find it.”

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