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Riding the Wave of Change

by Eve Wilson

“You are ascending. You are evolving in ways that have been preordained since the beginning of time. Beneath the challenging and often negative aspects of life, there is something marvelous and purposeful going on.” -- First paragraph of Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World

The journey of ascension became the evolutionary focus on Earth in 2012. When I published this book in 2017, many people hadn’t heard of world healing and ascension. From my point of view, it has been the elephant in the living room of the world. Quietly calling people to wake up and pay attention. At that time, few people even believed in global warming. There wasn’t the kind of intense awareness of a world in distress that there is now.

My work as a World Healing and Ascension Worker has grown from an occasional part of my life 25 years ago, to be the focus of all my days and nights. Like a pregnant mother, the new world feels like a child within me that grows large and requires a lot of my energy. I love that and wouldn’t have it otherwise.

What is the new world?

The goal of all creation up to this point has been to build independent souls who could co-create together a beautiful reality. That phase of building independent souls I call the old world. It has been a time of competing and growing strong muscles required to survive in a world of limitations, lacks, hardship and yes, also beauty. But as our hearts have always told us – there must be something better than this. As of 2012 the age of separation and competition ended, and the age of co-creation began. Because of that, the old world is passing away.

From the old-world experience, it looks like the world is a mess. So, it must look inside a chrysalis as a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. What we are experiencing is transformation into something wonderful!

My job is to help smooth this transition for people, the planet, and all life forms. I was born for this work and began learning my skills as a teenager. Since then, my skills have grown consistently through daily practice, healing first myself, then others, then the world. At 64, I am cutting edge and highly skilled, helping this change to happen with the least trauma for planet, people, and all life forms.

I have gone from training Healer Practitioners to now training World Healing and Ascension Workers. It is so exciting doing this, because I see the new world self-mastery emerging within those who participate in my classes. Through this I know how much progress our world is making.

The essence of this transformation is the awakening within our human selves of a growing unity with our eternal and divine selves. We are eternal spirits, facets of the One, now able to enter the soul bodies we built through lifetimes in the old-world experience. Through unifying with our human selves, we raise the vibration of ourselves and the world. We rise out of the fears and competitions of the old world and awaken in the new world wholeness and beauty.

My book, healing sessions, classes, my award-winning Weekly Word for Healing and Ascension Blog and more gifts that can be found on my website are my offerings to help people step up to the opportunity to actively heal and ascend. Each person who takes action in this way initiates a rise of vibration for their soul groups (others on similar paths to them across lifetimes) and for the world as a whole. As our vibrations rise, the new world becomes increasingly apparent and the struggles, fears, lacks and hatreds of the old-world decrease.

I invite you to explore at www.spiritualhealers.com and hope to meet you soon!

Learn more about ascension and the new world at www.spiritualhealers.com . There you will find support for your journey through Eve Wilson’s International award-winning blog, Healing and Ascension Monthlies Classes, Healing Treatments and so much more. A Best-Selling Author, Eve teaches people to merge with their Higher Self to co-create the new world, heal, and ascend and help the world to do so too.

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