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Tarotscopes for June 2009

by Starcana

You can read your Tarotscope message using your sun birth sign - and you can also read your rising sign to also add depth to your message. My style of interpreting messages isn't a fairy-tale reading to provide instant happiness with magical unicorns or miraculous rainbows of 'happily ever-after' endings. While that would be awfully nice if I could, it wouldn't be fair, because life isn't fair. I blend intuition with logic, for realistic solutions - by combining the good, the bad, AND the ugly.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)The Star Reversed: What you see, is what you get with charming Aries. But it could be difficult to fathom when someone who you considered a friend, lets you down. It's nothing intention, nor hurtful, but it hurts your feelings. I could explain it, and ask you to talk with this individual about it, but you might get a little gruff (to hide your feelings) and mutter "what's the point". Despite the fact that you can be quite self-absorbed, you do take your friendships seriously. Trust goes hand in hand with those you meet. If you really can't open up to this person right now, you may simply need to spend more time with yourself. many times you can take things more personally, because your ego is as big as your heart. You could end up withdrawing from your usual crowd of friends this month to heal a bruised self-esteem. More than likely, and maybe even subconsciously... you may make this 'thing' much bigger than it needs to be, to get a reaction. You have a personal need to know you are priority and number one, and if you haven't been getting the right attention - Aries may try to manipulate the situation with a plan B, which is a worn-out and long process. You are willing to do anything to get back your self-respect. Step back from the situation, put yourself into their shoes, and imagine they have a life outside of you. Facing the truth, makes life much less complicated, and easier to enjoy and have fun! Don't let your imagination get the best of you this month!

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) The Hermit Reversed: Looking for love in the all the wrong places, looking for business in all the wrong places, la, la, la, laaaa... There is a scattered energy that consumes you, as life might be existing in the middle of the ocean, and no gust of wind is available to blow you into a direction. You're just there, waiting to see what is going to happen, like the sensible path of the headstrong Taurus. This month you begin to doubt your own knowledge - and become frazzled or fearful that you lost your knack for good choices. You could end up feeling as if you need to imitate another company's advertising to keep up with the competition, or you may feel as if you need to morph into the behavior of your partner's last love relationship to keep them interested. You get in touch with your darker side, possibly to manipulate and trick another - just to get your way. Some say that's just business, I usually just call it cheating, especially if I don't know what rules we're playing by. There is a lesson in which you are faced with this month, and it is about listening to your own inner voice and moral path. Paranoia or desperation could have the Taurus the Bull prepared to bulldoze anyone who trespasses across your turf. Use what has always worked for you, and your inner light has always been best for you. If you are nervous about stagnation or if any moves should be taken, I would probably suggest that you do, what you do best - and sit back, put your feet up, and mentally plan your next move. The answer that you search for will come to you when you release it.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Four of Wands: The scatter-brained Gemini are usually off in several directions like a butterfly in heat, you will be settling some of that hectic energy to splurge on yourself, and get involved in a creative endeavor! Working on your visions for your home and/or office are highlighted, and you even manage to have enough time left over to spend quality time with family and friends! (You know... there are some special in your life who would really like to see a little more of you!) Finding time for yourself this month, allows you to replenish all that you have been delivering elsewhere. New inspiration and excitement is yours, as you reflect and catch some of your own special light for yourself! For some of you Twins who thrive on freedom, you could begin to feel like a trapped butterfly struggling to get out of a jar. While movement is necessary for your particular sign - the timing is right to settle for a few weeks, to lay down your anxious wings for some overdue rest. Use your own talent and skills for your own set of dreams! Yard work, gardening, weeding can give those wings the right amount of motivation to plan out the rest of the year! Celebrate the end of the month with a party, inviting loved ones and neighbors to see the new vibrant you!

CANCER (June 21-July 22) Knight of Cups: This month you are at a sweet peace with yourself. You have made many choices to get where you are today, and you're finally becoming comfortable to open up to a level that is allowing additional growth and opportunities to come your way. Typically, you walk through life with your guard up, and only allow so much of your personality to be unmasked... but a serene calm now sweeps over you dear Cancer, which blankets your vulnerable sensitivities this month. Trusting in choices that you have made, creates a bonding trust between you and the Universe. Your natural gifts of kindness and unconditional love are exposed, and others are drawn to a beautiful side of who you are, with a quick glance to see who you really are - deep down under! A new individual enters your life and touches your soul, and you are both aware of a special magnetism. This particular spark of friendship will help you to look forward into your own future, and welcome the coming of untouched waters. This journey flows nicely for you on a personal level, helping you to make serious decisions about what hasn't worked for you for several months - and allowing it drift off into the sea. Gentle thoughtfulness and a warm heart takes you by the hand.

LEO (July 23-August 22) King of Swords Reversed: There seems to be a struggle that you are dealing with this month with what others say to you, because their actions are telling you a whole different story. A vision or two has been created in your mind, and it is time for Leo to confront your dreams, and to decipher what is realistically approachable, and what is purely fantasy. You put one hundred percent of your generous heart into projects and those you love. It is important to take control and use your leadership skills to collect the information that you are seeking now, to direct your path for the coming weeks. Until you are able to take action to get to the facts and get to the bottom of things - you shall continue with confusion. You can be rather strong-headed, and known for not being open-minded to suggestions from others. Talk about your fears with someone that you trust, or write about the thoughts that you are having. This can only benefit your tomorrow as you put organization into your life, while separating emotions from the truth. Shake that beautiful head of hair, and open your mind. Don't be afraid of listening to other's advice and point of views. Sometimes by getting out of our own way - we can see life from a whole new perspective. Once you have all the information, you create solutions and get things working again! Everything runs smoothly, as well as your ability to shine and lead! Say what's on your mind!

VIRGO (August 23-September 22) Five of Pentacles Reversed: Using your intelligence, while pulling back from the busyness of life, you start taking inventory of your achievements and your failures in the past months. You're aware that successes have not been plentiful, despite your goals. Your home, your personal securities are also not where you would like them to be. You are desiring a sense of belonging now, to be the envy of others - and you are beginning to realize that you aren't. You are entering an honest awareness this month- as you feel a major distance between you and all the people that have cared for. Business may be stagnant, paperwork piling up, as friends and family become unavailable. Taking stock in your world will be helpful to find the TRUE Virgo and get you back in sync. You are terrific when you are putting order into havoc, and this is your time to do just that! Organize your list of priorities and work your way through it - to get your life, your relationships, and your business back on track. There is plenty of activity this month that may lead you into a different direction to rely on procrastination. Take advantage of this fantastic energy instead, to mold need into your direction. Let travel and a busy schedule be a guide to motivate you, as you do better when you are pushed with deadlines. Make the necessary phone calls and travel arrangements to benefit your financial interests, as well as your personal relationships. The harder you work - the stronger your drive! It's time to get back to basics.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22) Eight of Cups: Two peas in a pod is the way you like it, when you aren't spending time with a special loved one. You will find it necessary to take care of other areas in your life, other than on your personal affairs and relationships. This month, Libra will be putting the connection with others on old, to let the Universe have a say as to what is suppose to happen next. Self-indulging treats may be less fascinating and enjoyable now - especially when you don't have that cool buddy to enjoy it with. This will create some disturbance within the Libra psyche, because you like to enjoy the fruits of life - together. In the meantime, you are getting back in touch with your own soul, finding enjoyment within your own company. Expanding upon your creativity and education is focused on, as well as being introduced to a whole new crowd of people - to find your own unique personality again - rather than mimicking an old friend's behavior. Becoming a part of a new social group or activity can provide a new challenge that you tend to thrive on, to get you out of old boring patterns. This month is ideal to re-invent yourself, to stretch beyond your limits, and to remove yourself from bad habits. You are sailing forward, with no time to look backwards. It's all about you this month, so go out and experience yourself! Get some fresh air.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Six of Wands: Accomplishment is your middle name this month. You've been heavily focused on your projects for the past weeks, and now you're sliding into home base! You've done what you needed to for recognition, and the time has finally come! You have come out of your shell, to prove that you are in fact, an AWESOME team player - and that kind of attitude brings generous rewards in your goals. A promotion, a raise, or a thumb's-up on a new adventure is highlighted. Whatever it is, you will feeling like a million bucks, and enjoying the attention that you normally would cringe from. This is about all your hard work paying off, your sweat, and your dedication to prove your loyalty. Your leadership skills are at an incredible high this month Scorpio, and you should be prepare to use this new confidence to connect (or reconnect) with another who meets your match! You will like what this person does for you, and the challenges that they provide to bring out your best (and possibly some old skeletons), but that's a whole other topic! There is an interesting connection that can take your existence into a new realm, if you can tame that obsessive desire to always be in total control of everything! For the next few weeks, you can simply sit back, enjoy the ride, and digest some good times! Dependability pays off!

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Four of Pentacles: There is still a world of people who want to get to know you Sagittarius, and this month will bring some new groupies. You aren't quite ready to give up that small space of serenity that you have created to just anyone though. You've gone through a makeover of who you use to be, and you will busy giving your hooves a few last minute touches before prancing off into the wide and wild yonder again! You could be having personal issues of feeling alone and not being the center of attention (as you are commonly known for) but the Gods and Goddesses have you in their protection right now, as you heal behind closed doors. You must be sure to communicate with loved ones about your desire to be left alone, as your lack of explanation can be misinterpreted, creating misunderstandings. It's important to know that you are not alone Sag, and that there are people waiting for you outside - when you are finally ready to come out and play! You meet a new person who is patient with you, and respects your need for space - because they also need it. It's much more quieter than usual for you this month, but it should be used toward personal development, meditation, and enhancing your handful of skills! Take an extra class, study a course, and make friends with new book! Go outside and enjoy nature, and if you listen.. I mean REALLY listen... you have more than enough friendship that exists all around you! Make friends with silence.

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) Eight of Swords Reversed: Center yourself this month, and use quality time to get your personal power and strength back where it is suppose to be. You will feel someone (or something), tugging at your heart strings, forcing you to make a prominent decision about where you are in your life. You've been very unsettled with several areas in your surroundings, and you've also had plenty of time to take notice, to do something about it. Taking additional time to analyze your future path, rather than rolling with the waves, will only put you deeper into yourself. Stagnation, mold, and ignorance continues to grow over you if you choose to think longer. You are definitely feeling a change around you, which is insisting on change within you. The Universe will lend a hand toward this gesture of evolving, basically grabbing your attention, to get you 'out of yourself'! There is a part of reality that you prefer to avoid, but it is time to wake up and smell the coffee Capricorn. What you have been putting off, will start to vibrate its weaknesses to you. It will become annoying and bothersome. You can either 'get out of bed to take of the matter', or 'you can be wakened with it's shatter'. If you aren't sure what to do, find a manual and get instructions. Just don't stand there, and ponder it. The problem can't fix itself.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Strength Reversed: Your quiet world is being rocked this month, and you feel like everyone and everything is trying to get the best of you. Your darker side may be ready to strike out at anyone who steps onto your territory. You are struggling with two sides of your personality, and while Aquarians are known as the humanitarians of the world, your other half says, "I've given ALL that I had, now go home and just leave me ALONE!". You are being forced to take some control, and acting out can be tough for you. You enjoy owning your rock star image, but it's weighing heavy this month, and without the right motivation or gesture - you could look like a flaming butt-hole - rudely flipping them all off, telling them to stay out of your life! Yeah, you have a pretty good chance of losing the popularity contest for the next few years, unless you use that incredibly intelligent brain of yours to learn some patience and good manners. If people (and life) are raining on your parade, perhaps coming in 'last place' in popularity might be important at this time in your life. Solitude will give you some of that independent space that you need, and 'quiet' time can have some positive affects in getting you back in touch with your faith or belief system. Typically Aquarius thinks that they need no one, and no help. I believe you that you do need others, because you will need your fan club when you resurrect! Love yourself.

PISCES (February 19-March 20) The Lovers Reversed: There's a change in the air Pisces, can you feel it? The winds have shifted, and you're sailing in a different direction, which seems to cause you some confusion but excitement at the same time. Partnerships, relationships, and office affairs are rumbling, as everyone has ran over-time with their 'best' side, and now it is time to work through the 'tougher side' of personalities. You will struggle this month, trying to talk your way through this one, but talk is cheap nowadays, and your neptune strength will be necessary to keep your cup overflowing - unless you decide that the Vodka will do just fine. If you're not under the influence (alcohol, drugs, sex, etc) you could be blessed to see what is turning upside on your life, and utilize your gift of gab to get to the heart of matters to save your world. If not, a public display of interruptions in a union could be the talk of the town. A special connection with a work associate may look like the right person to turn to, if you look for a shoulder to cry on - but you may find out that you should have kept your personal information to yourself. It's not too late to save what you have built. You have an intuitive gift to know when it's time to make some genuine sacrifices in order to make things right. Decisions need to be made.

Starcana, aka Suzi Dronzek, is an Intuitive Consultant with over 20 years of experience in spiritual astrology, mystical tarot, and the metaphysical arts. Private and professional tele-sessions are available for inner guidance, self help, and relationship compatibility. For information and rates, call 724-832-9283, or visit: http://www.starcana.com

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