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Excerpt from "Osho, The First Buddha in the Dental Chair"

Our Teeth are the Root of Our Collecive Unconscious

by Swami Devageet

 Swami Devageet's journey to higher consciousness is told in a heart-warming sincere way-humorous, yet profound-- in his book, Osho, The First Buddha in the Dental Chair: Amusing Anecdotes by His Personal Dentist (Sammasati Publishing). The unique book reveals an intimate and charming portrait of the revered spiritual master and how he worked to bring enlightenment to the author and to humanity sitting in the arms of a dental chair. The globally revered mystic sage Osho brought forth profound new insights while sitting in the dental chair of his trusted personal dentist, Devageet. The following is one of those discoveries that he revealed to Devageet, as the dentist took frantic notes to keep up with his beloved Master’s words.


Listen carefully, and when I have finished you will put it out as a world press release. I followed the pain in my teeth down through the bones of my jaw into the middle of the chest. The pain from the teeth appeared like lines of fire, lines of light leading to a place in the center of my chest. The place in my chest appeared as a ball of light. The ball of light is connected by a river of light to a much vaster light, like a huge sun, outside of the body. That sun is the collective unconscious mind of the whole human race. It seems that our teeth connect each individual to the whole collective unconsciousness of humanity.

I am speaking of the real human collective unconsciousness mind, not the collective of Carl Gustav Jung. Jung’s collective unconscious mind is merely the collective common ancestry of mankind’s myths and legends. It is a kind of mental mythological history that has been left behind by humanity on its long journey.

No, the real human collective unconscious that I am speaking of is much vaster, much older; it is the record of humanity’s biological evolutionary history. The real human collective unconscious mind is the millions of years of Man’s experiential memories, stored and recorded as a code in the DNA in each cell of the human body. It is our human biological collective inheritance. The record of the path that humanity has followed during the whole long journey of evolution is the true human collective unconscious mind.

And our body remembers! Memories are stored in the DNA of each cell. Each human body contains memories. It remembers our evolutionary history back to the beginning of time, long before there were human beings.

Devageet, it seems that each person’s teeth are their individual link, their evolutionary link to existence itself; the teeth hold memories connecting each person to the human collective unconscious mind. The teeth of each person contain a complete record of all their memories back to the time when he was a monkey, maybe before. The teeth are a personal akashic record of everything that has happened to an individual during their whole evolution.

And it continues, the teeth record all that is happening, even now. It does not stop. It is happening now. Memories stored in teeth? It may seem a little strange, but it is not. Crystals are able to store much information. Your computer chips store millions of pieces of information. Just a small computer chip can hold so much. Yes, the enamel in the teeth is made of millions of tiny crystals, and each one is like a computer chip, and there are millions of them. A computer chip may be very small but it can hold millions of facts, and in your teeth you have millions of crystals. The brain is a bio-computer, and the teeth contain all its memories, from today going back through millions of years of evolution.

If the teeth could be used rightly, Devageet, treated in a new way, to release the memories they hold, it is possible to find the roots of many diseases there. Much of the madness that affects people can be treated through the teeth. If we knew how to use the teeth rightly the madhouses would be empty: Just taking out the right tooth, just taking out the right nerve, cleaning out the infection in the teeth and the gums can clean the whole body and the mind. Working with the teeth is very healing for the whole person.

I found that certain of my teeth contain memories with my mother, my father, my family, other relatives, and friends. Sometimes within the same tooth the different root nerves are connected to different people and different events. This one –(he tapped his lower right first molar)– has memories of my mother.

This is of great significance for meditators because the roots of all human conditionings are there; physical, emotional, mental and other deeper conditionings. The ancientmost biological male and female conditionings are found in the teeth. The oldest relationship conditionings can be found there.

This discovery about teeth can be of immense help to every meditator because the teeth can be used to bring consciousness and awareness to the oldest human conditionings. It is these ancient conditionings, our deepest unconscious, that are the invisible barriers to meditation. It is our biological bondage.

Devageet, you will find a way for the teeth to release their memories, to open the door for human beings to go beyond their biological bondage. Meditation can only reach the depths where authentic transformation happens when it breaks through the biological bondage.

And meditation is the only way to the ultimate transformation for a human being. The memories are locked in the deep layers of the collective unconscious mind, and the teeth can be used as the key. With awareness the true seeker can bring all the unconscious memories in the teeth to consciousness. This will be a tremendous breakthrough in their meditation. This will enable people to go deep enough in their meditation for the real transformation to happen.

You may not know it Devageet, but most people who try to meditate cannot go very deep because their biology pulls them back. It acts as a barrier. Meditation is from the stars, and biology is from the earth. Our biology, like all biology, is programmed for the survival of the species. It knows nothing of the stars. It knows only the earth. Biology has four million years of evolution behind it, and each person has that whole program for survival written in his and her very cells.

Biology is blind, it pulls you to the earth. Biology knows nothing of higher consciousness. Meditation is from the stars. Meditation can take you home, it has eyes. But it takes an exceptional meditator to overcome the gravitational pull of thousands of years of biology. Your higher consciousness has a force too; it is levitation. As gravity pulls you downward, levitation pulls you upwards. Meditation brings the upward vertical movement to your consciousness. There is always balance in existence.

Normally, the scales are weighted in favour of biology. What are ten years, fifteen years of meditation, against the four million-year inheritance of biology? Your biology is your bondage.

But it is possible – for the exceptional people almost anything is possible. The Masters, those few immense peaks of human consciousness, by their spiritual achievement, they have shown throughout human history that meditation and enlightenment is possible. The Masters are the proof. And Meditation is the only possibility, the only door through which enlightenment can enter. There is no other way.

For the meditator it is the attachment to the body-mind that is their biological bondage, and until this attachment is dissolved it is too difficult for an ordinary person to go deep enough in their meditation for enlightenment to happen.

The older religions knew something of this but their priests, being unenlightened, have taken a wrong step, made the wrong interpretation. All religions are formed by unenlightened people. No enlightened being forms a religion. It is the followers that form the religions. The religious traditions all try to fight biology. They tell you to renounce the body, to abuse it, and torture it into submission, to force it to surrender. This is sheer madness. Who is the abuser? Who is the renouncer? It is the ego, the personality-self, the mind that has been conditioned into the religious belief system. It is a terrible mistake to fight with the body and the mind; in fact, it is the opposite of meditation, it strengthens the ego. Perhaps that is the real goal of organized religions.

Out of a thousand people who try to meditate, one may succeed, may go deep enough, may reach the abysmal depths where enlightenment can happen. For the others their biological bondage is too much. 

Swami Devageet is the author of Osho, The First Buddha in the Dental Chair: Amusing Anecdotes by His Personal Dentist (Sammasati Publishing) The unique book reveals an intimate and charming portrait of the revered spiritual master and how he worked to bring enlightenment to the author and to humanity sitting in the arms of a dental chair. Filled with funny experiences, personal observations and glimpses of the insight into the man who taught meditation to millions, Osho, The First Buddha in the Dental Chair covers a side of Osho never seen before. For more information, visit www.sammasatipublishing.com 

Excerpted from "Osho, The First Buddha in the Dental Chair: Amusing Anecdotes by His Personal Dentist"
 by Swami Davageet (Sammasati Publishing)

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