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How To Increase Your Chances Of NOT Getting Sick With COVID

by Ellie Pechet, MEd

(Earlier this year I wrote an article about a client in R.I. whose sister-in-law and young adult son I helped who had gotten very sick from COVID.

Since then, I have worked with numerous other clients who developed COVID symptoms and would like to share with you my observations when it comes to the most common causes as to who seems to become more affected by this virus.)

Over time, un-healed issues accumulate in different parts of the body, such as certain organs, the skeletal system. For example, anger and a tendency to be rigid tend to settle in the joints, causing chronic knee pain, shoulder pain, a “stiff neck” etc. Who is the literal “pain in the neck” in your life? Our bodies don’t lie. My observation as a metaphysician the past 33+ years, is that virtually every ache and pain can be connected to an emotional issue or traumatic experience, whether physical or emotional.

Do you have a broken heart? If you do, you are not alone. Many of us have had our hearts broken by one or another significant relationship over the course of our lives. Our hearts are impacted by love as well as an absence of love or loss. Getting hurt is a normal part of the human experience. However, eventually, un-healed pain over time, whether it is the loss of a relationship or a mother who didn’t meet the most basic emotional needs of her child affect one of the body’s most vital organs, the heart. A long-standing broken heart makes a person more susceptible to heart disease and heart attacks.

Resentment: Long held resentments about one’s childhood, spouse or other relationships remain stuck in the body, increasing its toxicity and weakening the entire energetic and physical structure. Those who feel victimized by life are also more susceptible when it comes to developing cancer. Recently, 2 clients who had breast cancer had long held resentment toward their partners for doing much more of the giving and supporting of their partner than they received over time. Clearing their long-held resentments made a big difference in healing the cancer with each woman.

GRIEF: Unresolved grief is a consistent and leading cause for those who get really sick with covid-19.

Unresolved grief stagnates in the lungs. Grief can result from the loss of any significant and meaningful relationship. That can include one’s parent, a child, one’s sibling, a mate etc.

Unhealed, this type of significant loss lies dormant in the lungs, causing them to become more susceptible to physical conditions such as pneumonia, asthma, and especially viruses that seem to attack the lungs, such as COVID.

One of my clients recently contacted me to let me know her mother who is 70 years old, had developed serious COVID symptoms and her father who is 80, was also starting to show symptoms.

Using just her photo and some basic information, the first issue that presented itself as I started working with her was a core issue; Feeling unloved by her mother who was also an alcoholic.

The imprint she needed most was knowing she is LOVABLE.

Her next session, the most important next issue was Grief about losing her son Donny when he was 4 years old.

Her unresolved grief laid dormant in Terry for decades, lowering her immune system and causing a weakness in her lungs which 60 + years later made her more susceptible to the COVID virus.

I imprinted her with being At Peace about losing her son and according to her daughter, she has been much more at peace about that significant loss.

When I followed up, Jenny told me her mother’s health had improved a lot and she had stopped wheezing and was breathing better. She also had less fatigue and more energy. After a couple more sessions working only with her picture, she felt lighter, stronger and at peace about her mother and losing her son when he was 4.

I also helped Jenny’s father who is 80 and was developing weakness, trouble breathing and a severe cough from COVID. He also had grief issues around the loss of their son when the boy was 4 years old as well as other subconscious issues including loss of his vitality as he ages. Neither of Jenny’s parents needed to go to the hospital and both fully recovered quickly after just a few sessions.

If you have any un-resolved issues that are current or from your past, do your best to identify what they are. Make a list and then make a plan to resolve and heal them for good. Take action - it will do a lot for your peace of mind and as you heal, you will become a lot less susceptible to a virus like covid-19.

To your health!

Ellie Pechet, M.Ed., Distance Healer, Metaphysician, Shaman, Author. www.PhoenixRisingHealing.com

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