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Your Weekly Forecast By Element - Week of April 13 - 20, 2009

by Elizabeth Joyce

Air, Fire, Water and Earth

The Air Signs

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Time to be kind to yourself, Air Signs. Don't be tempted to take too many risks with your money this week. Although you may be tired of tightening the belt and saving every cent, don’t decide to go for it and splash out big-time, because it won't help you right now if you do. It is better to wait before you reach your overdraft or credit card limit and to assess where you stand. Use the days ahead to strengthen your financial position and not to weaken it. Saturn is encouraging you to release old childhood patterns relating to money. You may have noticed you're taking a much keener interest in your dreams and in spiritual issues overall. Reflect on why you may be sabotaging your efforts at finding the kind of security that you've craved for so long. Having You won't be able to find this elusive security in the outside world; you have to seek it within. Once you find it there, no one can take it away from you. It's like discovering that the buried treasure you were frantically digging for was yours all along. There's an exciting overall focus on your careee, where you're busy assessing a few risky projects. You may be so impatient to take that next step that you could do something you might regret. One step taken in haste may cause damage that would take a long time to repair. If you feel distressed by the attitude of your boss, just cool it for a while and speak about your feelings when you're in a more civil mood. On Friday, you may want to splash some cash on improving your home, but make sure it really is going to be a worthwhile investment. Venus turns direct on Friday, which will help your relationships to flow more smoothly and give you a greater sense of security about certain family issues. As the Sun moves into Taurus on Sunday, it helps you to appreciate your family and gives you a chance to find the inner peace and calm that is so good for your nerves. Family life can nurture you in the best way possible if you allow it to. Regarding business, so go ahead and sign those agreements.

Your Love Week - Air Signs:

Your acceptance of a sweetheart's apology will lead to an imperative compromise in your relationship. Love, sweet love, is the reward, and it's about time, Air Signs. When you come down from that cloud, you'll see that not everything is as it once seemed, and you need to take it more seriously. Listen to your lover carefully! She or he has been trying to tell you something but you haven't been grounded enough to understand so be sure to ground yourself and listen! Your schedule is full and your time is at a premium, but please don't let this hinder your plans with a sweetheart. It's imperative that, regardless of how "important" things seem to you right now, you remember to indulge in life's pleasures. If you don't, you'll suffer mentally and so will any relationships. Use a planner and make the best of the daytime hours, because your nights are in dire need of a dose of sexy! You have to give the evening hours with your lover 100 percent, too.

The Fire Signs

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

There's a feeling of expectation in the air, as though something is just about to be born. Mars, your personal planet, continues to move through your mysterious twelfth house along with Uranus and Venus. Now that the Sun is in a Fire Sign you feel the heady rush of spring and know it's time to begin planting those seeds. Start to get those exciting projects underway. You're more powerfully linked to your heart's desire, so pay attention. As Jupiter moves closer to Neptune in Aquarius, you Fire Signs may find that your ability to focus and concentrate becomes more difficult. You may need to keep a to-do list close at hand and break down your biggest projects into smaller steps so you can more easily stay on track. But you can also use this energy to be inspired in a spiritual and artistic way. Brainstorming and creativity are going to be an important part of your daily activity. Your home is a busier place than usual. A surprise on Wednesday may disrupt your day and cause you to abandon your usual schedule. However, it could turn out to be a very welcome disruption. Listen to your intuition and act on it. Inspiration is certain to strike on Wednesday, or you may have a dream that really captures your attention. Venus turns direct on Friday, which means that relationships at work will be easier to handle. Also, long-term relationships may not be under quite as much control as you'd like, but they'll get easier from this point on. Once Venus moves back into Aries, you Fire Signs are going to feel a lot happier about your love life. Lovers will be more communicative and easier to get along with. You can now get ahead with plans and projects, as relationship issues have been, hopefully, sorted out. You'll also find that relationships at home with the family will flow more smoothly. You'll be in a very determined mood on Friday and may find that talking to bosses and superiors is hard but productive. It isn't the best time to ask for a pay raise unless you can justify doing so with a detailed plan of action. The Sun moves into Taurus Sunday, which enables you to get a new perspective on what's happening. Your social life continues to be awesome.

Your Love Week - Fire Signs:

You're beginning to profit from the extra effort that you've recently put into this love. The investment of time and energy isn't over, Fire Signs. Please be consistent, for your changeability and cold demeanor during the winter months has definitely changed your lover's tune. If you want to keep him or her around, this relationship will need a lot more than an occasional dinner followed by a roll in the hay, understand? This week your job needs to take second fiddle. Your lover requires most of your energy. In matters of the heart, please don't get embroiled in anything that you may regret now. Stay constructively selfish in that realm. But this isn't a good week to be alone. Contradictory? That's the name of the game for you this week, Fire Signs. You may feel like Alice falling down the rabbit hole, grabbing for something, anything, but nothing makes sense. Lay low. This, too, shall pass.

The Water Signs

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Try to be at peace with yourself, as you seem to be in a restless mood this week, Water Signs, which could come to a head on Wednesday. Although you know what you "should" be doing, you may find it hard to stick to your plans. You want freedom and excitement and the idea of doing anything boring and too routine is not going to sit with you very easily. You have needed a lot more freedom for some time, but this week, this restless inner urge may reach a crescendo. So make sure you don't do anything that you might regret on the spur of the moment. Your mind is on other things right now, especially anything that promises you a new perspective on life. You're looking for something that will resolve your problems and help you explore new facets of yourself at the same time. There's also a focus on travel and exploring other countries and cultures. You may decide to take a risk on Wednesday when Mars conjuncts Uranus. In the heat of the moment, don't do something that you might regret later, especially if you're feeling angry, frustrated, or impatient. This aspect can lead to minor accidents if you aren't careful. Listen to your intuition and make an effort to stay calm. Venus turns direct on Friday, and from this point on you'll find that relationships flow more easily, especially those with friends and family members. Venus’ turning direct is going to help your current relationship situation. Hopefully, you have made use of the retrograde phase to talk things over with your sweetheart and are now in a position to move on. You are going to have to ignore any stubbornness on your partner's behalf and to make the right decisions unaffected by charged emotions. Mercury will trine Saturn, so a meeting on Friday may encourage you to make a firm commitment to someone who can help you achieve business success. They may prove to be a support in future times. The Sun will move into Taurus on Sunday, giving you a fresh perspective on your current situation and enabling you to say the right thing. If you need a strategy to get you through the days ahead, you will find it easy to come up with one.

Your Love Week - Water Signs:

You'll find what you're looking for this week in nature, Water Signs. Take a stroll with your lover. It will be the remedy that you need for whatever ails the two of you. Your understanding of human nature, attention to detail, and sexy perceptiveness will impress your sweetie! All of your plans have the green light. Sensuality rules! Has your lover been putting a lot of pressure on you lately? Does he or she feel that you haven't been hitting the town as often as you once did? Are things a bit stale in your relationship? Water Signs, don't let your sweetie bully you. You're doing the best you can right now, and the stars advise you to stay firm this week. The coming weeks will allow for more folly, but currently you're doing exactly what's necessary, working, which will to allow you and your lover to take a romantic vacation this summer. Tell your partner - nicely - to get over it.

The Earth Signs

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

Your partner may seem more reckless than ever and more determined than usual to have his or her own way. Wednesday may be one of those days when all hell breaks loose as they take a risk or do or say something that becomes a source of conflict. Mars conjuncts Uranus, so there could be an outburst due to frustration with the way things are between you. This doesn't only have to be about your lover; it could also concern friends and business partners. Something about you is making them freak out. It may be because you're just too conservative for their tastes right now. But you can make life a lot easier by being more flexible and adaptable. You need people like this in your life because they encourage you to see life from a fresh perspective, no matter how disruptive their influence. The Sun in Aries earlier in the week allows you to assess your joint financial affairs and make changes where necessary. On Friday you may be inspired to try something different that will help bring a new project to life. Venus will turn direct as well, which will give your relationships a chance to move forward more constructively. You're still busy organizing all kinds of get-togethers, whether for fun, business, or romance. Mars, Uranus, and Venus happily keep you buzzing. Be prepared for a meeting on Wednesday that could be like nothing you've ever experienced. As Mars conjuncts Uranus, you may be catapulted into a relationship that seems to arrive out of nowhere. Like a whirlwind, you'll be swept up and caught in an adventure that could quite literally change your life. If it's a romance, it may not last forever, but you won't have a moment to be bored while it does last. If you meet up with a new business associate, you're going to find yourself pondering some very novel ideas. Don't take too much of a risk on the spur of the moment, though. You need to think deeply about what you're committing yourself to and plan ahead accordingly. Venus turns direct on Friday, which means that any relationship issues you've been experiencing should begin to show some improvement. Life looks good. You may have come to a few conclusions about your current relationships and feel more at peace with yourself on all levels.

Your Love Week - Earth Signs:

Now isn't the time to be insensitive, Earth Signs! Keep things as light and airy as you can under this star configuration. If you've been abrupt, now is definitely the time to apologize for that. Your lover needs to know that you feel some remorse. You need to find a constructive way to release all the tension you both feel. Perhaps it will lead to a better understanding. Sparks will ignite, but remember, kindness is the key, Earth Signs. If you are in a new love relationship., ask yourself this: Is this person the one you want? All signs point to "go for it"! Your imagination is second to none this week, so be creative in your approach to winning his or her heart. Use your talents to woo, for they're in demand! Refuse to be led astray from this one, for this person has staying power, and that seems to be what you truly need this spring. So, make a love plan, Earth Signs and refuse to be deterred from your objective. It’s either a love revival or strengthening ties.

Psychically gifted since birth, Elizabeth is a professional Astrologer, Spiritual Counselor, Medium, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Clairsentient who interprets dreams and utilizes the Tarot as well as Astrology in readings Named one of the World's Greatest Psychics, she is a spiritual healer and gives personal readings worldwide. Her TV Appearances include Unsolved Mysteries, Beyond Chance, and The Psychic Detectives. Ms. Joyce’s first book Psychic Attack -Are You A Victim was released in October 2007, IUniverse Press. Her website — www.new-visions.com is one of the top-rated in her field. Elizabeth has just trained and become a Reconnective Healer. She is located in Doylestown, PA. and Bergen County, New Jersey. For an appointment call 201-934-8986.

Elizabeth Joyce

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