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Ask Your Pet

by Jennifer Dickman

Dear Jennifer,

My cat, Treasure, passed away last year at 18. I adopted her when she was 8 weeks old, and she was my best friend. She was there for me through difficult times. Would you please let her know that I love her, and ask if she is happy and has any messages for me?


Dear Tony,

When I connected with Treasure and told her I was going to write about her in a magazine, she was very excited. She said she always liked a lot of attention, and loves the idea of people reading what she has to say. She hopes that reading her messages will make you feel less sad. She knows that you miss her a lot, and is sorry that she can’t be with you physically.

Treasure absolutely knows that you love her. Clients often ask this question when I’m doing sessions with animals who have crossed, and the answer is always “yes”. Our animal companions remain closely connected to us after they cross over, so are aware of our feelings, especially about them. They hear us when we talk to them, too!

Treasure says that she’s happy aside from worrying about you. She says please don’t read this and feel guilty about that - she always tried her best to be there for you, and will continue to watch over you now with great love. She says that she chose to be with you while she was alive because you needed her. She feels like you didn’t realize it at first, but you needed her more than anyone else in your household. She made a conscious commitment to spend her life with you, so that she could give you unconditional love, and teach you about not being afraid to open your heart through your love for her. She says you loved her more than most people, and she always felt it, and is grateful that she had so many wonderful years with you.

Treasure says that you never had to do anything special to make her happy, because she just liked being with you. You made her happy. She of course liked attention from other people, but it was always the best when it came from you. She’s saying something about having distanced herself from you when she was getting ready to transition. She wants me to tell you that she wasn’t upset with you. She was actually trying to keep you from seeing how sick she was, and also was afraid that she might cross over while sleeping in your bed with you. She didn’t want you to wake up and find her next to you like that. She’s sorry that you missed her while she was doing this. She says she wasn’t quite herself near the end, and wasn’t thinking clearly, or she would have stayed closer.

Treasure sends you so much love, and wants you to know that she’s still there for you, and will always be your best friend.

Many Blessings,

Jennifer Dickman

Jennifer Dickman is an Animal Communicator, Intuitive Counselor, Reiki Master-Teacher, and Animal Reiki Specialist. She conducts sessions worldwide via phone and email. Please contact her at jennifer_dickman@ymail.com, www.JenniferDickman.com, and follow her on Instagram @jenniferdickmanone, and on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/AnimalCommunicator/

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