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Excerpt from "In Their Image and Likeness: Universal Wisdom"

EXCERPT from Chapter 11 titled: REINCARNATION

by Linda Hourihan, HHCP

I spent most of my life not believing in reincarnation. I fiercely taught against this concept of life, indoctrinated as I was, within the Catholic and Christian schools of thought. However, I allowed myself the grace to realize that maybe, just maybe, I did not know everything there was to know since I was 14 years old and teaching CCD out of Catholic doctrine books.

One day, I met Pat, a psyche nurse who worked with Brian L. Weiss, M. D., who wrote the book Many Lives, Many Masters. Pat had attended one of my energy work classes. We remained friends for years after that until her untimely death due to cancer.

Pat had a sister, Amy, who was diagnosed with liver cancer, prior to Pat’s death. Pat and Amy would come to my Stratford office so I could hold an energy work session for Amy, while another massage therapist would give Pat a massage. There were times when Amy ‘s pain would be relieved a bit, enough for them to keep coming for appointments until the day came when Amy was not well enough to come into the office.

I did not go out into people’s homes for appointments. This was a rule I never broke, except for Amy. Sometimes I would offer her reflexology along with energy work at her home.

Then the day came when Pat called to tell me Amy wanted me to come to her home for her last therapy session. Amy wanted to say good-bye to me since the doctor told her she did not have long to live. I got a lump in my throat knowing this would be the last time I would get to be with her in this life. While I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the human energy system, our “God Particle,” that individualized Spark of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, lives on, the death of a loved one is never comforting.

It seemed like I could not leave this session with Amy, as if I never left, Amy would not die. For me, it was hard to bear.

On the other hand, Amy was emotionally and spiritually in a glorious place. For the entire healing therapy session, she was all smiles and had a loving presence about her. This was not what I expected. When I finally had to leave, I said goodbye. Amy said goodbye with a great big smile on her face. I paused before I closed the door to her room, smiled, then left.

Pat and I had spent countless hours together for a couple of years after Pat took my energy class. As life would have it, Pat and I had already signed up for an intensive, nine-day energy upgrade class to take place in Raymond, New Hampshire. We were to arrive that evening, three and a half hours away. This was also the same day as Amy’s funeral and a major snowstorm hitting New England.

I waited for Pat to say goodbyes to her family, and we were off. I was shocked that Pat still wanted to go. Pat was very good to her sister. When Amy’s medication for pain and care was too expensive, Pat turned all her financial resources into paying for Amy’s medication. In the process, Pat lost her home, and was living in a van in her parents’ driveway, just before they passed on in their lives.

It wasn’t long after that Pat was diagnosed with lung cancer. Smoking cigarettes was what had soothed Pat’s emotional self. I never asked her to stop smoking or gave her a hard time about it. People have free will and that was Pat’s decision to make. She would come to one of my four offices after work, and we would go out to eat or have coffee and dessert at a local coffee shop while my husband finished his work on the second shift as the editor for the world page of the newspaper.

After I retired, it wasn’t long before Pat told me the doctor was not giving her long to live. She had expended every drop of her Life Force Energy in helping Amy. Who was going to help Pat?

My husband and I bought a house in the woods, after we both retired. I invited Pat to our home. She would smoke outside at a picnic table in the old forest that was part of our yard, then come inside our small home, visiting, and sleeping on the couch for the weekend visit. Pat thanked me for never giving her a hard time with her smoking, as all her relatives seemed to. Pat was a nurse. She was responsible for herself, no matter what decision she made. This was not up to me.

She was only able to make two visits before I got the call asking me if I could come down to Pat’s aunt’s home in Connecticut so I could give Pat an energy work session and say goodbye. I find it nearly impossible to leave anyone knowing it is the last time you will ever see them in this lifetime. I find when I work alongside my and their guardian angels, this is easier to do.

My husband and I made the 90-minute trip. Pat was confined to a hospital bed in a small living room. She asked for reflexology and energy work, which I did. I hated to leave my friend who I would not see again in this life.

I told her while she was alive how grateful I was that she introduced me to the work of the prominent psychiatrist, Brian L. Weiss, M.D. His impressive educational and work history in the field of psychiatry is listed in the first chapter of his book. Initially this is a doctor who was not sure what to make of his patients who did not appear to heal from fears and phobias affecting all their lives, exhausting all traditional scientific protocols, until they underwent hypnosis. It seemed that after the patient recalled a past life event, their fears and phobias were alleviated, which seemed unexplainable to the medical community. Prior to hypnotherapy, their fears and phobias persisted.

Here was a well-known medical doctor, an acclaimed psychiatrist, appearing to change his mind on the relevance of recalling past lives. His book is a witness testimony to the healings he observed with his patients.

This knowledge gave me permission, as if I needed permission, to consider past lives as a possibility. I had been so indoctrinated into believing and teaching that every human being came into this life with a brand-new Soul, that I almost felt as if I were a traitor to my Catholic religion. Yet I knew this paradigm did not work for me anymore.

Linda Hourihan, HHCP is owner of Universal Wisdom Enlightenment LLC at www.lindahourihan.wordpress.com, with a readership of over 121,700 in every country, territory, and protectorate in the world; and the former owner of The Massage Clinic in Stratford, Milford, Orange, and West Haven, Connecticut. She is the author of IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKNESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM; MYSTERY OF THE STURBRIDGE KEYS, subtitled, CHRISTMAS UNLOCKED; and THE VIRTUE OF VIRTUES, a seven-lesson, sixth-grade CCD curriculum. Linda is the former feature writer for The Milford Daily News in Milford, MA; and former feature writer for the Laconia Daily Sun, and contributing writer in Wisdom Magazine, Spirit of Change Magazine, Door Opener Magazine, among others.

LINK to buy book: https://shop.ingramspark.com/b/084?jJYgIBP46qu8cMrJ7rlqn8T0VppG6jhdMFWZZrFGOQ7

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